Dec 12, 2022 | Forest Management, Forest Stewardship, Mapping, Selling Timber, Sustainable Forestry, Timber Harvesting
Many landowners in Maine and New Hampshire simply let their timber lots grow wild and get them harvested every 10 to 30 years without ever considering hiring a forester to provide forestry services. In many ways, this is adequate for landowners with a few acres of...
Nov 1, 2022 | Selling Timber, Timber Assessment, Timber Harvesting
If you’re like most business owners, maximizing profits is always a key concern. And if you’re in the timber industry, getting the most value for your products is essential to your success. Not only do you need to know what kind of timber you have –...
Aug 7, 2022 | Selling Timber
There’s a simple question we get all the time at Tall Pines, “What’s my timber worth, and how much can I sell the wood for?” We can’t do much to assess the value of trees we’ve never seen, and, unfortunately, even when you know your land pretty well, it’s not a simple...
Jul 29, 2022 | Selling Timber
As a landowner of a woodlot or a forest, you must wonder how your woodlot is doing. And as most landowners, you may not know the answer. You might be considering a timberland appraisal if you find you can’t answer questions like… Is your forest still young...
Jun 13, 2022 | Selling Timber, Timber Harvesting
Landowners can struggle to get the best price for their timber. With the help of the right forest management company, you can take the right steps to get the best price. Here is what landowners need to know about selling timber. Find a Professional Forester Selling...
May 1, 2022 | Selling Timber
Landowners can struggle to get the best price for their timber. With the help of the right forest management company, you can take the right steps to get the best price. Here is what landowners need to know about selling timber. Find a Professional Forester Selling...