Why You Should Invest in Your Forests

If you own forested land, you already know the pleasure of being in nature, and unless you’ve been hiding under a rock on that land, you have heard a lot about how important forests are to our future as a society, capturing carbon, being harvested to help build...

How to Maintain Property Boundary Lines in Forests

There’s a saying that good fences make good neighbors.  In a suburb, this is true on its face.  In rural settings with acres between houses, it’s unusual to have fences between neighbors.  What we have instead are property lines.  Sometimes these are posted,...

How To Earn Passive Income With Forest Management

What is Passive Income? “Passive income” is any income that you don’t need to actively work for.  It’s also essentially a myth that there’s such a thing as a truly “passive” income.  There’s always work involved; it’s just a matter of who is doing the work.  It is...